Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Okay so this will be my last upload as my project is handed in tomorrow. Hope you've enjoyed my photographs, some of them might not have been the most technically perfect, or interesting images but I have learnt that its difficult to take new photographs every single day but its made my 'eye' adjust and I do see photographs most of the time when I'm out and about.

Day Eighty Eight: My friends 20th birthday night out. Taken on a little compact digital camera, not the best quality but its a good memory.

Day Eighty Nine: Thought I'd show you all the camera I've taken most of the photographs on, it might not be the best, and it might not be flashy but its mine and it does a good job. So thats it hope you've enjoyed these. 

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Day Eighty Seven: Looking out my window and I see two men in orange, Im used to seeing them usually early in the morning or in the middle of the night sorting out that lines. But today I saw the in the afternoon. I always look out my window during the day, even though its not a very interesting view.  

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Research: Simon Roberts - From the series We English. These photographs are similar to other documentary photographs, i like the height in his work, in some of these photographs he seems to have gotten on a higher level than the people in the picture, I think its an interesting perspective.  

Research: Sally Mann - I love her work in general and I like that she documented her family over the years. I haven't taken many photographs of my family but many are pictures of people who mean a lot to me, I have documented some of the people in my life during this project. I just think the style and subject matter really works in her work.  

Research: Richard Billingham - These photographs are from the series "Rays a Laugh" documenting his mum and dad (who was an alcoholic) I like these images because they're so raw, its just his mum and dad, as themselves not hiding themselves. They seem so truthful. They haven't directly influenced my project because I haven't really focused on my flat and the people in it. But I just liked his work.  

Research: Nick Waplington - I liked these photographs because I liked the colours and the fact that they are simple and observant. I also like that the people in them seem to be unaware that the photographs are being taken. I don't intend to replicate this work in any way because its not something I do in my everyday life. But I just like his style, the way he makes everyday things seem interesting.  

Research: John Riddy - although these images don't directly relate to the photographs that I have been taking I liked the idea of documenting different buildings. I have documented different buildings in my everyday life but I think the style is slightly different. But it made me think that photographing buildings could look interesting.