Thursday, 23 February 2012

Day Twenty-Seven: I've noticed these trees hundreds of times but I never noticed the strange pattern on the bark.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Day Twenty-Six: Okay so for the first time this term I can say, I've managed to cook myself too much for tea.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Day Twenty-Five: Bart and Karl in Adam's room.... simple things amuse us :).

Day Twenty-Four: My cutlery.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Day Twenty-Three: The walk I take on almost a daily basis to my gym and the bottom of the road.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Day Twenty Two: Ducky!! On a trip to Ingol With Becky and Mike, and in Mike's car he has this ducky. It made me smile, and although the trip was fairly pointless, this picture made it all worth while. Just a happy, simple image I think.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Day Twenty-One: My mug full of juice, seen as I don't drink tea, on my very cluttered desk.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Day Twenty: There's nothing like getting into fresh bedding to watch a film before bed.

Day Nineteen: Well we're back to an open theme again. This image from yesturday is simple and of my en-suite in halls. Basic is defiantly the word.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Day Eighteen: So this image is from yesturday, "Valentines Day" and although I've never been into the day itself because I don't see why that 'one day of the year is when you show someone how much you care', to me its all to commercial. However obviously being in a relationship its always nice to spend time with my boyfriend on the day, this year however being 110 miles away makes that somewhat difficult, so simply having this picture that was taken over two and a half years ago next to my bed is all I ever need. And yesturday its all I needed.

Day Seventeen: Sorry for not uploading for a couple of days. So this is from monday, my suitcase still not really unpacked from my weekend home. It always takes me a long time to fully unpack when I'm back at uni because I guess a part of my wishes I was still back at home, making the memories last slightly longer. Oh and by the way, since this photograph was taken, my suitcase is still the same.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Day Sixteen: These are my train tickets from my weekend home, seven tickets for two journeys... a tad extreme I think! However they're a physical representation of my weekend away.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Day Fifteen: An image taken last night during early celebrations for my uncles birthday :). My family!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Day Fourteen: So I returned home from uni yesturday to fine the ground covered in snow and freezing temperatures. But it has to be said I do love Driffield in the winter, yes there might not be a lot to do in this town, but I have so many memories. One, for example is of walking up and down this road every monday to friday for twelve years to and from school, in all weathers.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Day Thirteen: This photograph for yesturday is from last nights "Night in with the girls". We had such a good night, including Vodka gummy bears and a silly game... without a doubt a night I'll remember for many years.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Day Twelve: I am still struggling to get inspiration for the theme of Memory. This is a photograph from yesturday as I didn't have time to upload one. It is an image of a couple of cards I have received over the years from my boyfriend pinned up on my noticeboard in my uni room. Im not a massive fan of it but I like the simpleness of it. Todays image will be uploaded tomorrow.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Day Eleven: As I live in halls I am struggling to come up with interesting ideas for the theme of memory. So today I chose to photograph all the jewellery I wear every day, they were all bought by important people to me and the memory of them will live with me forever.

Day Ten: As a child I remember being put in the trolley when mum and dad went shopping, and wanting to get out and push it myself. Being a small child at the time this obviously wasn't possible. Now I think why did I want to push a trolley, its not interesting or fun at all.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Day Nine: So we've sort of been set a theme for this week, the theme being "Memory". This image is made up of items from last nights social. Memories I will keep for the rest of my life, thats why I chose to represent the theme of memory in this way today.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Day Eight: So today I have a very busy day, I've been to buy food and its horrible weather outside so no chance of getting a picture then, back for an hour before I head to Zumba and once I've done that I come straight to the flat to have a quick shower get ready and leave for my trampolining social tonight. So in this one hour of free time to my self I took a few photographs in my room of everyday things, this is a teddy my boyfriend won at a theme park over two years ago and gave to me, I never sleep without it.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Day Seven: Today I woke up late after a night out last night and still managed to go to the gym and do my exercises in my room, this photograph is part of my exercise routine in my room.

Day Six: Photograph from last nights pre-drinks before we headed out to celebrate Becky's birthday.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Day Five: Walking out of our morning workshop and this is what I saw.